Pool League News

2019 – 2020 Season … We are joining the CCS (Canadian Cue Sports) and are eligible to enter any of their tournaments!

The team fees of $35.00 per team per week,

Since we are talking money…  the team fees will be $35.00 per team per week x 31 weeks ($1,085.00 per team for the year).

Minutes from Pool League Meeting

Monday, August 12, 2019


• CCS Sanctioning

• Ref’s for Playoffs

• Establishing bad behavior (regular/playoffs). What is tolerable

• CompuSport

• Team rejoining and night confirmations

• Last years playoffs up for discussion

• Committee vote

The meeting started at 6:05pm

The Partners Pool League is sanctioned by the CCS (Canadian Cue Sports) organization for the upcoming season.

Each player in the Partners Pool League will be a CCS member and may compete in the Tournaments hosted the CCS in Canada and the USA. A list of these tournaments is on the CCS web site along with instructions on how to register for these events.

The CCS Rules are also posted on their web site along with other CCS information.

We will hire ref’s for the playoffs; an area ref for each location on the weekend.

It was suggested that the committee investigate the sportsmanship rules for other pool organizations and put together one for the Partners Pool League.

Once again, the top 4 teams on Thursday night will be placed in the first 4 slots of the 1st flight in the playoffs. The remaining slots in the 1st flight will be the top teams from other nights. A system for spotting games for the non-Thursday night teams will be implemented. It was not decided if Thursday teams still allowed to drop to flight #3. The weekend playoff matches will be scheduled 2-1/2 hours apart instead of 2 hours.

Envelopes will be provided for fee payments. The outside of the envelopes will be preprinted with spaces for the date, night of play, team name, amount paid, etc. Teams will put their payments into the envelopes, fill in the information on the envelope outside and turn the envelope into the night manager. Need a way of getting receipt to Captains showing they handed in payment. Hard to track. Discussion never did finish on that topic.

We are trying to start a Scotch Doubles league on Monday nights. One male and one female per team. Fees are $20.00 per team per week. Registration is limited to 10 teams.

Each team will play against 2 other teams every Monday. 5 racks with the first team and 5 racks with the second team. Play starts at 6:30pm and should finish around 9:00pm. One point for each rack won. This is a cash league and will have 100% payout. Play starts Monday, September 23, 2019 and runs for 10 weeks. The last night of play will be Monday, December 9, 2019. Play offs are to be discussed. No play will be scheduled on Holiday Mondays.

The Scotch Doubles players are also sanctioned by the CCS and eligible to play in their tournaments.

A discussion was held of last years play offs and the unsportsmanlike behavior committed. The general consensus was approval by the league membership of how it was handled. The only exception was that it should have been handled as soon as it occurred. Ref and the Committee members will have the authority on this ruling during playoffs going forward.

Dustin Swaikoski 403-880-6432 and Doug Smeed 403-850-9851 have volunteered and been voted as members of the committee. Since the committee needs to have an uneven number of members, so that we never have a tie vote, the committee now has 5 members.

The meeting ended at 7:25pm

A complete schedule for the year can be found at Important Dates and Game Schedules.